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减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:环球文化  发布时间:2017-03-16 11:43:23


Tai chi, ink painting, creation of humanitarian master 2017年第57届威尼斯双年展确定主题是“艺术万岁”。中国有三百多位艺术家在云画廊的组织下,报名申请参展奥巴马基金会在第57届威尼斯双年展发起的“Arts forLife's Sake”艺术项目,策展人TatyanaStepanova罗列出三十多位中国艺术家作品可入选。云画廊为推动中国当代艺术的发展,为这批艺术家筹备2017威尼斯双年展“Arts for Life'sSake”中国当代艺术家入选&提名展。 The 57th Venice biennale in 2017 theme is "long live art". China has more than three hundred artists under the organization of cloud gallery, exhibition application signing up Obama foundation "in the 57th session of the Venice biennale by Arts forLife 's Sake" art project, curators TatyanaStepanova lists more than 30 Chinese artists can be selected. Cloud in order to promote the development of Chinese contemporary art gallery, preparations for the 2017 Venice biennale for this batch of artists "Arts for Life 'sSake" Chinese contemporary artist & nomination exhibition.
2017年3月11日《生而为艺术 Arts For Life’s Sake2017年威尼斯双年展入选&提名展》在云艺术中心盛大开幕!

On March 11, 2017 "born to Arts of art For Life 's Sake2017 Venice biennale is elected & nomination exhibition" in the center of the cloud art grand opening! 威尼斯双年展是一个拥有上百年历史的艺术节,是欧洲最重要的艺术活动之一,与德国卡尔文献展、巴西圣保罗双年展并称为世界三大艺术展,其资历在三大展览中排行第一,被人誉为艺术届的奥斯卡。 云艺术中心作为上海拥有最先进的展览设施设备的艺术展览场馆之一,承载着对艺术的传播和共享精神及社会使命。

在云画廊创始人之一胡晓晖先生的积极筹备和策展人黄璟女士的激情付出及诸多艺术家的支持及响应之下,《生而为艺术2017年第57届威尼斯双年展中国当代艺术家入选&提名展》在此郑重开幕,本次展览是一个文化倡议,旨在见证艺术是人性中一个必不可少的组成部分,并指出艺术家在事实上正在承担的新的社会角色。当代艺术家不仅在他们感兴趣的领域提供个人的观点、解释,并通过艺术的交流能力影响思想和文化,为人类提供新的哲学模式,生活方式和目标。 Venice biennale is a festival, with hundreds of years history is one of the most important art activities in Europe, with Germany Karl literature exhibition, Sao Paulo biennale and called the world three big art show, its qualifications in three ranked first in the exhibition, was hailed as the art of the Oscar.

Cloud art center in Shanghai with the most advanced facilities of art exhibitions exhibition venues, one of bearing the weight of the spread of art spirit and social mission and Shared.

In one of the founders of cloud gallery Helen hu's preparing and curators jiing Ms. Huang's passion and a lot of support and response of the artist, "born to art the 57th 2017 Venice biennale of contemporary Chinese artists is elected & nomination exhibition" in this solemn opening, the exhibition is a cultural initiative, to witness the art is an essential part of human nature, and points out the artist in a matter of fact are for the new social roles. Contemporary artists in their areas of interest not only personal point of view, interpretation, and through the art of communication influence thought and culture, provide a new human philosophy mode, life style and goals.

嘉宾们跟随着这张汇集着多种对艺术不同诠释的即兴作品,走向 “生而为艺术-2017年第57届威尼斯双年展中国当代艺术家入选&提名展”的展厅。 Guests with this drawing on a variety of different interpretations of improvisational works in art, to art - 2017 "to be born to Chinese contemporary artist in the 57th Venice biennale & nomination exhibition hall.


Tai chi, ink painting creation of humanitarian, master and photo before their exhibits
Exhibition site部分作品欣赏:
爱的本能 Name: love instinct
昭陵六骏Name: zhaoling 6 horses
鱼与女人Fish and women
流金岁月The time of your life


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